1 dag sedan · Konsultbolaget B3 Consulting meddelar att bolagets vd och medgrundare Sven Uthorn har informerat om att han önskar lämna vd-rollen efter utgången av 2021. Styrelsen har av denna anledning beslutat att i samråd med Sven inleda arbetet med att finna hans efterträdare. "Sven startade bolaget 2003 och började från noll.
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The B3IT Group changes its name to B3 Consulting Group AB. B3 is established in Poland. B3 Consulting Group (under the name B3IT) came a highly respectable fourth in the category for large companies in any industry with over 250 employees in Great Place to Work’s list of Sweden’s Best Workplaces 2017, and was also placed third in 2016. B3 Consulting Poland. Business Consultant. Bron Innovation. Local Business.
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October 28 · Warsaw, Poland ·. Autumn is in a full swing and the weather doesn’t support us, that’s why we would like to briefly remind you how important it is to ensure the immunity of our body, especially in the autumn and winter period: Remember to get some fresh air, a short walk every The service for handling recruitments and simplifying the hiring process (the "Service") is powered by Teamtailor on behalf of B3 Consulting Poland ("Controller" “we” “us” etc.). It is important that the persons using the Service ("Users”) feel safe with, and are informed about, how we handle User's personal data in the recruitment process. Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych (imię, nazwisko, profil zawodowy oraz inne podanych przeze mnie) przez B3 Consulting Poland Sp. z o.o.
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Our unwavering focus Business Director w B3 Consulting Poland Warszawa, woj. mazowieckie, Polska Ponad 500 kontaktów. Dołącz, aby nawiązać kontakt B3 Consulting Poland B3 Consulting is a Swedish company listed on NASDAQ and operating in the area of consulting and supporting IT projects for clients from Europe and America.
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B3 Consulting is a Swedish company listed on NASDAQ and operating in the area of consulting and supporting IT projects for clients from Europe and America. We employ over 800 Enthusiasts in 11 offices in Sweden and Poland. Due to the dynamic development of B3 Poland, we are currently looking for people for the position of IT Talent Specialist
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Kiedy podróż klienta jest wolna od oporu i frustracji, klient wraca.
B3 Reach B3 Consulting Poland –. Save Job Vi ser varandra från Polen upp till Sundsvall och skrattar ihop. Musikquiz går också att köra digitalt och nu planerar vi vårt luciatåg via Teams. Vår med kvalitet. B3 Consulting Group har visionen att bli Sveriges bästa konsultbolag delar av samhället. B3 Consulting Group erbjuder kunder inom en rad olika branscher B3 Consulting Poland Zoo. PL5252739405.